Wednesday 18 March 2020

Fear is a virus we can all beat.

Advertising agencies are fearful.

They are fearful for their families.
They are fearful for their jobs.
They are fighting hard to protect their own livelihoods and futures.
The last thing on their mind is a bunch of students who want to get in to their world.
They don’t even know what their world is anymore.
We’ve all been turned upside down.
And we are giddy.
Really fucking giddy.
Giddier than being on The Waltzer at Blackpool as the greasy guy with the oil stained jeans spins you around oblivious to your shouts of 'stop'!.
We could be on our own from now on.
No agency briefs.
No agency involvement.
No free toast and coffee in the boardroom at 9.30am on a Monday.
No bottles of champagne for the best work.
No placements for the best team.
That's fine.
Bring it on.
We can find a positive in this.
We have to.
There isn't an alternative.
We need to keep positive.
Because one day the industry will be desperate for young talent.
And that day might be sooner than we know it.
And sooner than you think.
Nothing has changed.
The industry has had knock backs before.
And survived.
It still needs talent.
It will always need talent.
Bright young creatives with fresh ideas and energy.
That's you isn't it?
Believe in your goals.
And use this time to invest in your abilities.
There are folk out there who will lose everything.
And I mean everything.
Give thanks to the fact you are not a 40 year old running a small agency and employing 15 staff.
You might take 6 months to get in to this crazy business.
But this crazy business called advertising is a lot more rewarding than being a banker. 
Or a lawyer. 
Or an accountant.
Believe in your goals.
Believe in your creativity.
Believe in life after virus.
You'll all be laughing at this in 10 years’ time.
Hopefully, you'll be laughing at this current situation in two years’ time.
Brands need you.
Advertising agencies need you.
And the country will need you.
This is just a hiccup.
You are bigger than any hiccup.
Hiccups go away.
Talent is not a hiccup.
Talent is for life.
The most dangerous virus out there right now is fear.
Fear stops you in your tracks.
Fear brings you down.
Fuck fear.
That's one virus you can beat.
As the late, great Curtis Mayfield once said:
'Keep on keeping on'.
And he should know.
After being paralyzed from the neck down in a freak accident he carried on writing and singing.
He recorded his last album singing each line while he lay on his back.
Here's to your future.
Good luck.

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